How tennis is played?

We all know that discovering any sport’s rules for the first time is a little bit confusing, especially when it comes to tennis. So how tennis is played actually?
From now on you can play or watch tennis differently. You will find here the official rules of tennis, according to the International Tennis Federation ITF.
And that includes tennis rules for doubles, scoring rules, serving rules, and much more…Also, you will acquire the necessary tennis terms.
Tennis is a game that you can play as singles (one person plays against one person), or you can play it as doubles (two persons play against two persons).
How tennis is played?
Before we proceed, let’s discover first the court dimensions.
Tennis court dimensions:

The tennis court is 78ft (23.78m) long by 36ft (10.97 m) wide, and the net is 3.5ft (1,07m) above the ground. Note that the area of play is different for both singles and doubles.
How tennis is played: For dummies:
The object of the game is for you or your team to score more points and to win sets faster than the opposing player or team. In one match, you have to win 2 sets (it can be sometimes 3 for men).
To win a set, you must win at least 6 games, but you have to be clear by at least 2 games ahead. And To win a game, you need to win 4 points with a minimum of two points ahead.
To start a game, a player has to make a serve. For this, he must stand behind the baseline and hit the ball into the cross-court service box of the opponent’s side.

Note that the serving team will keep the serve until the game ends.
The opponent is allowed a maximum of one bounce before hitting the ball back over the net onto the other team’s court. The idea is to hit the ball onto your opponent’s court and for your opponent not to be able to hit it back.
If you manage to successfully hit the ball onto your opponent’s court without them returning it, you score!
If you score one point, that is ‘15’, If you score two points, that is ‘30’, If you score three points, that is ‘40’. And if you score four points, with a gap of two points ahead, you win the game.
You can check this article for more details about the scoring system.
The only time this is different is when the score is 40-40 (3 scored points for each team). This is known as deuce, and you now have to win two successive points to win the game.
After you win a game, the other player or pair takes their turn to serve the ball to start the next game.
Once a team has won 6 games, and is at least 2 games ahead, he wins a set. This also becomes different when the two teams have won 6 games each (the score of 6-6). In this case, the two teams will play a tie-break.
The first team to reach seven points wins the tie-break, then the set. But if the score is six points all, the winner is the first team to win two straight points.
The first team who reaches 2 sets (or 3) faster, wins the Match!
How tennis is played? What you should not do in a game
Of course, there are a lot of things you can not do in a tennis game. Here is a list of the important must not do:
– Hit the ball outside the court.
– Stroke the ball into the net. afterward, lands on your side of the court.
– Hit the ball twice in succession.
– Touch the net, even with your racket.
– Hit the ball with a part of your body.
– Make any act (hindrance) to distract your opponent.
– Commit a double fault (failing two times in a row to hit a proper serve).
If you commit any of these violations, your opponent will be awarded the point in play.
That is tennis in general, there is a lot to discover in the sport. So, I will invite you to check this site to uncover more facts about the game.
I hope you got the sport’s rules, and I will invite you to check the category of wheelchair tennis